Micro Habits Can Change Your Life
Everyone wants the quick fix workout routine, the miracle drug, the new fad diet, and/or the positive thinking mantra that will make all their goals and dreams come true -and they want them yesterday. I think it is human nature to want things fast and easy. It is one of the core reasons Amazon has taken over the marketplace. But do these short term solutions make you happy? Do they provide purpose and long term success? Do they help you become healthier mind, body and soul? I would argue they do the complete opposite. For most of my twenties and thirties I lived my life for the easy fix. But none of the diets, workout routines or mantras had any lasting impact because I couldn’t sustain them. The key words here are LONG TERM BENEFITS. Micro Habits are also called tiny habits, atomic habits and baby habits. They essentially all mean the same thing. For those who have heard of the Rose Principle this also speaks to Micro Habits.
What are Micro Habits?
They are small, achievable habits that you can consistently do every day. (One rule of thumb is we can miss one day but to never miss two days in a row of your habit because we are human and make mistakes. But missing more then one day breaks the habit). Every aspect of our lives can be positively impacted by micro habits. I know my life has been impacted positively in truly wonderful ways.
The First step in developing Micro Habits
Identify one or two areas of your life you would like to see improve. For example, I have always struggled with the gym and working out regularly. I started working out at home. Initially my workout consisted of some stretches, 5 crunches and 5 pushups. As my habits began to form I began to bring other exercises into my routine. Some days I would do more then others but the key was consistency and making sure I at least started my routine. The problem is we focus on the end goal and putting our weekly workout or other goals at a level that isn’t sustainable. It is the habit when formed that creates the opportunity to reach those bigger goals. Your “habit muscles” must be created first. Six months later I work out regularly with a wide array of exercises. This consistency and increased effort would not have been possible without micro habits. Micro habits also create synergy and momentum within our daily efforts. Similar to how compound interest works in finance as the habit is fully formed over a couple of months our results can make huge jumps in productivity as the habit becomes second nature. This concept is called unconscious competence. When we are able to do something expertly without even realizing it. So where are you struggling? Start there with something so small you know you can do it daily.
This small effort will change your life!
Justin Studebaker
Founder of Dress 2 SOAR